Hunt Update

  • Priority: Yellow
  • Posted By: Rogue Spectre Agent (CL3)
  • Posted On: 2017-10-04 23:00:54
  • Affiliation:


All files pertaining to Spectre whereabouts have been decoded and made public here. This vault is set up with safeguards that prevent Spectre agents from accessing or otherwise altering the information enclosed.

I have also discovered additional pieces of information that I am working to reveal to you in the next few days. Keep an eye on those you suspect may be Agents - they might get sloppy and let things slip themselves! The largest file, when cracked, should uncover every agent. Even with the submissions so far, this will probably take a few days, so please continue to recruit other counteragents and assist me with solving the cryptic messages the Spectres created. Every guess helps!

I hope to have completed my reconnaissance by Saturday, at which time I will uncover all Spectre agents and announce the best of you recruits.

Please join me Saturday at 1930 UTC for our one and only counteragency meeting.