"Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was The Blue Report in 2019."
- Somebody famous...
(Just kidding! It was Carol.)
The Blue Report since it’s creation has seen not one but two redesigns. Part of the intent for this latest design was to make The Blue Report cleaner and more modern. Taking elements from the original layout and the second layout it was the hope of the redesign team to give the content of The Blue Report a chance to shine while still looking stylish.
Mashed Potatoes
Each member of the team served specific roles and worked incredibly hard. The team deserves credit for the following;
Coding Geniuses:
Mashed Potatoes and Alexis
Original Concept:
Mashed Potatoes and Carol
Consulting and Development:
Carol and Leslie
Banner Image Wizard:
Credits and Disclaimer Pages:
Carol and Leslie
Support and Beta Testers:
Katrina, Alexis, and Mashed Potatoes
Without the hard work of this wonderful team the new design of The Blue Report would have never been completed. A huge thank you to all of you. And a special thank you to Katrina for all of her patience while working with us.