Your web site should be ready to be launched, but check that you have not missed out doing anything against this summarised checklist!
Things to Remember : My Web Site
- Coding - Are you sure the syntax is clear and you can find the parts that need updating easily? Has it been validated?
- Testing - Have you been through the site as if you were a visitor and checked for broken links, etc using different browsers? Assure your site entirely works when you first set it up. You have the time to release a site that you have gone through to check the ins and outs.
- Hard Copy - Have you got a hard copy of your web site on your hard disk or floppy? If you're using FTP, it is very likely that you already have a copy of your web site on your hard disk, though if not, back ups at regular intervals would assure no data loss.
- Perfection - Is it brilliant? Is it dazzling? Is it perfect? Yes? Who the spoon are you? Take a break!

- Advertising - Perhaps try to use search engine submissions (see links section) and consider schemes such as LinkExchange.
Click here to continue to Step Five
This is an Internal Development Project for
Created by Captain Jayneway on 23rd November 2000.
Last updated on 29th November 2000 by Captain Jayneway.
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